IULM Innovation Lab 2018
ARGO AEROSPACE project candidate among the 4 finalists in the competitions organized by Fondazione Cottino - IULM Innovation Lab 2018 to access the Lean Startup & Open Innovation training as well as the acceleration program. (About 100 projects selected)

Premio Leonardo Start up 2017
ARGO AEROSPACE project included in the 10 finalist candidates of Leonardo Start up Award 2017, promoted by Leonardo Italian Quality Committee in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development.

Friuli Innovazione

Premio Gaetano Marzotto 2017

Federmanager Toscana

Impresa Campus UNIFI 2016
ARGO project 1st classified in the fifth edition of Impresa Campus UNIFI 2016, the training course of the University of Florence to spread the entrepreneurship culture to promote the birth of new companies among young university students. (23 projects selected)

Start Cup Toscana 2016
ARGO project classified among the 10 finalists in the "Start Cup Toscana 2016", a regional competition that rewards the best entrepreneurial initiatives with high technological content from international research. (Approximately 50 projects selected)

Boot Camp 2016
ARGO project classified among the 3 finalists in the "Boot Camp 2016" training course for the start of new entrepreneurial activities in the province of Prato organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Prato. (32 projects selected)